
Monday, March 23, 2015

Te Kahui Manu Hokai: PLACE 2015, 5th national Maori GIS conference..

A panui from Te Kahui Manu Hokai who are pleased to announce PLACE 2015, their fifth national Maori GIS conference

Where: The Copthorne, Bay of Islands, Waitangi
When: June 10th – 12th, 2015

This conference will complete a northward journey commenced in Christchurch (2009), Wellington (2010), Rotorua (2012) and then Auckland in 2013. We anticipate it will be as exciting and interesting for Māori practitioners and/or those Roopu interested in its application as it was at Sky City in 2013.

A call for presentations will be made soon. Te Kahui Manu Hokai remain committed to being 'software neutral' so feel free to design a korero about what you feel passionate about, whether it is QGIS or ESRI or Google (and there’s plenty of others too). If you feel like sharing what your roopu has been up to in the Maori Geospatial Space; then this is a perfect venue and forum for you.

The komiti is busy working on details for online registrations and we want to get all that information out as soon as they can. I will pass on all their panui :)

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