Hono, a Maori Emergency Management Network, was launched end of last year in Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington). Established by Hinemoa Katene, Hono's vision is:
A world where Indigenous wisdom and self-determination drives
resilience, protects our people and the environment, and inspires global
solidarity in the face of disaster.
Essentially we seek agency for Maori in managing emergencies and disasters which - as most people seem to accept now - are increasing in frequency and intensity. Much of this new disaster space is with severe weather, as Aotearoa exprienced in the early part of 2023. The impacts are outlined in a key report (chaird by Sir Jerry Mateparae, link here).
Tragically, shorter after this launch, Professor David Johnston (2nd from right, front row) died, leaving a son, Josh, and wife, Caroline. He also left a huge hole in the Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR) based on the Massey Campus, Wellington.
David's legacy is embodied in the people and places he's had a positive impact on with his work and the work he's supported through colleagues and students.
Anyway, watch this space!